Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Braille - Exclusive Backstage Interview/You Ask The Question

This Saturday Oct. 1st we will have the honor of  interviewing christian hip hop artist Braille! So we thought we would give this back to the fans and get your feedback. What do you want to ask or know about Braille? If you guys had the chance to ask him anything in the world, what would that question be. So here is your chance! Submit your Questions here on our Comments or on our Facebook wall. Write your first and last name along with your question. When we release the video interview we will give you credit (shout out) to you if we pick your question. So lets hear the questions, we only have a couple of days till Oct 1st!  Oh Yeah and if you haven't yet go to our music page and download his new: Braille - Native Lungs Album Free!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Man Up - Reach Records Short Film To Be Released 9/27/11

 There's an ongoing war within urban culture. Confusion over what manhood is, has plagued our cities, families and lives. The concept of a biblical man has been lost in our generation. Unfortunately, many churches struggle to provide its urban members, much less those beyond their walls, with a tangible definition of a real man. The short film takes a look at different areas of manhood that young men fail to live up to. They hope to take a look at the common challenges and responses of young men in urban culture and to reveal the need for clarity on what being a man truly means. The short film will be released in target stores on 9/27 as a DVD and it will also include the soundtrack c'd. Here is the trailer for Man Up

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Story Of Lecrae

At 19-years-old, at the encouragement of a Christian leader, Lecrae attended a conference and heard James White deliver a message that turned his world upside down and showed him his need for a Savior.
One listen to Lecrae, and it is unashamedly evident that he has a worldview not commonly found in popular Hip Hop.  From the south side of Houston, to a major platform in the movement of urban reform, a rocky road provides a window into the grace he experienced through out his life--with every situation molding him into the artist and leader he is today.
Raised by his mother, Lecrae Moore moved around a lot, giving him the versatile background and cultural awareness he carries with him. San Diego, Denver, and Dallas have once been home to him and the street life he idolized and pursued. Along the way, like many in the inner city, he took to rapping as a way of communicating his thoughts. It wasn’t until after high school his Hip Hop background was redeemed and his hobby became a passion.
At 19-years-old, at the encouragement of a Christian leader, Lecrae attended a conference and heard James White deliver a message that turned his world upside down and showed him his need for a Savior.  Shortly after, armed with a contrite heart and new spirit, Lecrae printed his testimony and passed it out across the University of North Texas campus. The next five years would include many struggles and victories before he teamed up with Ben Washer to found Reach Records.
Calling Dallas home, Lecrae was content using his gifts of speaking and rapping while volunteering at a juvenile detention center--but the Lord had different plans—so he soon began working on his debut album. Pouring out a genuine discussion of life issues and a passionate, unashamed pursuit of Jesus Christ, Lecrae releasedReal Talk.  Listeners appreciated his unapologetic delivery of biblical truths and transparent, relatable, and encouraging lyrics.
As Lecrae continued to make his mark in the music industry, he realized the stage wasn’t enough. There needed to be a culturally relevant and biblically solid resource center to help train the next generation, so he co-founded ReachLife Ministries in 2005. After extending Reach’s impact, Lecrae then released the groundbreaking album After the Music Stops in 2006. Led by the
 classic single‚ “Jesus Musik,” Lecrae’s sophomore album gradually spread across the country with other hits such as “Praying For You” and “Send Me.” Aimed at building an audience of disciples, the album sat on Soundscan’s Christian Hip Hop/R&B chart for two years after releasing in 2006.  His follow up, Rebel, released in 2008, garnered even more success--becoming the first Christian Rap album to ever sit in the No. 1 position on Billboard’s Top Gospel Charts and spending 78 weeks on the Billboard charts.
Having established himself as the frontrunner of Christian Rap, Lecrae returned in 2010 with an album whose influenced extended into mainstream media and culture.  Rehab, arguably his most heartfelt album to date, broke into the Billboard Top 200 Albums debuting at No. 17, while reaching No. 3 on the Top 10 Albums chart on iTunes. With an offering of rehabilitation found in Christ alone, Lecrae also maintained his established base, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Contemporary Christian chart and No. 1 on the Billboard Gospel Albums chart.  The impact of this album continues to spread across the globe, receiving nominations for several awards including a Grammy for Best Rock/Rap Gospel album. 
A graduate of University of North Texas, Lecrae now resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife and children.  He and his wife are small group leaders at their church, and his passion for impacting urban culture persists. With a musically evolving and successful discography, nationwide tours along with the 116 Clique, and a generation of young believers around the world inspired to live unashamed; Lecrae is humbled by his position in the growing movement to spread the Gospel. His hope is that Reach’s impact will spread far beyond simply the music and into the lives of individuals across the globe, ultimately exalting Jesus Christ.

Monday, September 12, 2011

RAPPER D#1G - How God Changed His Life

As a teenager he started to become attracted to the gangster life. David took on the street name of Lil G. He began hanging out with gangs, fighting, stealling, drinking, smoking weed, and partying. At age 16 he got his girlfriend pregnant so he droped out of school and got a job. He soon had a falling out with his parents and left home and use to stay in his car. At age 17 he had his first daughter. At age 20 david and his daughters mom split up. He began to develope anger and deprresion. He began to drink and party alot. He lived in Buckeye Az but would spend alot of time partieng in Phoenix Az. With anger, depression, and drinking in the mix he would start fights. His mindset was if he didn't care for his own life, he didn't care to take out your life. His ruthless attitude made him friends with some ruthless company like some mafia members. His life style made him feel like there was a dark shadow following him all the time. Death was closing in. David had a friend name Benjamin that would always come around and invite him to church but David would always tell him no. After all the party's, drinking, smoking, fighting and hurting people. He was tired of the life he was living. He tried to commit suicide by grabing the biggest kitchen knife and cutting his throat. He went into the bathroom and said " God if you are real im sorry and i know that im going to hell but i can't live like this anymore, Please forgive me!" And began slicing his throat. It started to bleed but then it would stop. So he did it again and it would start to bleed and it would stop."When I was cutting my throught I felt this strong presence fall on me and it was like it was hugging me, It was love! I never felt real love like that before in my life! I was seeking God and asking him for forgiveness for my life of sin and he wrapped his arms around me and forgave me. He gave me a second chance!" said David. David was rushed to the hospital and after he was treated he was admitted to a behavior health clinic (mental institution). "I felt great, i had peace, joy, love, i felt like i was lighter and all of my guilt, shame, deprression, and anger was no longer weighing me down!" says David. First thing he did when he got out was, go to church. First time David went to church he witness his friend Benjamin rap for God. He was amazed and asked if the next sunday he could rap also just to express thanks to God. David began to do christian rap under his street name Lil G and recorded and released an album. Later on he then changed his rapping name to D#1G. "It felt like i was bieng transformed in my walk with God and he was giving me a new name. Kind of like when Saul became Paul." says David. He now is married and has three daughters. Many places,concert venues, radio, tv, organizations and churches now invite David Gomez aka D#1G to rap, preach, testify, host, and also to organize concerts. He is also the youth leader at his church. He is now the founder of DOG ENTERTAINMENT MINISTRIES (D.O.G. stands for Disciples Of God) reaching people and spreading the gospel through entertainment.

Download his album free at our music page

Saturday, September 10, 2011

D.O.G. TV - Watch some of the hottest christian rap, hip hop, and r&b music video's.

About D.O.G. TV
Watch some of the hottest christian rap, hip hop, and r&b music video's. Along with some interviews and skits. Simply better entertainment!
If you are a christian artist, have a christian music video, and would like us to put your video on D.O.G TV 
Email us at:
We will need:
1. A youtube link of the music video
2. Some info about you, ministry, and video
3. A link to your website or facebook if you have one

D.O.G. RADIO - Playing all your christian rap, hip hop, r&b music

About D.O.G. RADIO
Better music, better sound, better entertainment for your ears!
Playing all your christian rap, hip hop, r&b music. Its fuel for your soul!
If you are a christian artist and would like us to consider your music to be played in our station,
Please email us at:
1. mp3 files of your music. Write artist name and title of songs
2. attach a link of your website or write some information about yourself.
( This email is for radio content only. Thank you and God Bless!

Are You A Christian Rapper, Hip Hop, or R&B Artist?

DOG ENTERTAINMENT MINISTRIES is looking for some christian rap, hip hop, and r&b artists that would like to submitt 1 song each as an mp3 format to give away as a free download. We will advertise and encourage churches, youth leaders, and ministries, along with fans to download the music absolutely free to share and use as an evangelistic tool! This will give exposure to you and your music as an artist but most important it will help reach our generation with the gospel! Your music will be posted on our website DOG ENTERTAINMENT MINISTRIES.comFACEBOOK, and other websites of our choosing to advertise. We will not sell your music, This will be a Free Download. Together we can help reach the urban community.

If you would like to participate email us at:
1. Only one mp3 song with artist name and title
2. Make shure it is a good quality mp3. song, mastered ext.
3. A picture of you the artist or album pic
4. (OPTIONAL) a youtube link of the song, if you have a video for it
5. On the email write: I ___ give you permission to give this song away for free as an mp3 download. (Write your actual name and artist name)