Friday, November 25, 2011

Aaron Rodgers - Ground Zero

Born June 20th 1988 in Providence, Rhode Island, Aaron Rodgers was raised by his single mother in Seminole, FL. Aaron became saved at the age of 17 through fear of going to hell. Six months after he began pursuing a relationship with Jesus, he realized he was called to preach and began doing so by means of outreach. When Aaron was 18 he started rapping as a joke with another Christian Rap Artist. Aaron soon began experiencing divine revelation through his songwriting and God used this as another way to communicate to and through him. The more Aaron wrote, the more intimacy grew in his relationship with Christ. This became an outlet by expressing his walk with Christ so others could relate.

In 2008, Jesus blessed Aaron by winning the 2008 USA National Songwriting Competition for the Hip Hop Category with the hit song Kingdom’s Takin Over. He also began seeing radio time on Alaska’s KFAT 92.9 with the song When Reality Hits. Aaron soon started opening at different venues for artists such as Canton Jones, Earnest Pugh, and Brent Jones. In 2009 he became a finalist in the USA National Songwriting Competition with the song Who I Am. He has also been seen on the AK32 Podcast with DJ TWalk.

Although unsigned, a vision was planted in his heart for his first cd called Ground Zero. God showed him how everything in the past was gone and that now is the time to build a solid foundation on Him that will propel and sustain a future in ministry. In July 2011 Aaron and his wife Denise were recognized for their calling as ministers and were ordained as such. He now resides in San Antonio, TX with his wife and three children. Ground Zero was released November 11, 2011.  

DOWNLOAD SONG- Aaron Rodgers: Kingdom's Takin Over Ft.M.Grice

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